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Wind Slayer – 2D Side Scroller – Free to Play

Wind Slayer, a cutesy 2D side scrolling MMORPG, announced it’s open beta available as of February 4th.

Taking place in the mystical land of Beuritania, players can choose between six classes to challenge monsters, defeat bosses, omplete quests and take on fellow players in PvP in order to gain experience and of course, treasure!

Wind Slayer features a skill system with active skills and passive skills. Active skills must be activated, and passive skills will always be activated. Skills must be purchased from skill merchants and will appear in the games skill window after purchase.

Once a character reaches level 5, they can compete in PvP mode. Players must enter the battlefield and join a team. Modes for PvP include level restricted,unlimited mode and normalized mode in which every character’s stats are adjusted to that of a 40th level character.

Classes include warrior, archer, mage, rogue, monk and priest. Each of which can be specialized:

Warrior -> Berserker, Paladin
Archer -> Sniper, Beast Master
Mage -> Elementalist, Summoner
Rogue -> Assassin, Trapper
Monk -> Shaolin, Counter
Priest -> Bishop, Dark Priest

Low system requirements afford anyone the opportunity to play

OS Windows 98/ME/2K/XP
CPU Intel Pentium III 450MHz
GRAPHIC CARD 3D acceleration card
HDD 300 MB

Visit for more information or to play now!