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Dragon Age Origins Release Day DLC Priced

Players who don’t buy Dragon Age: Origins new will still have a shot at getting the DLC released with the game. BioWare announced that ‘Warden’s Keep’ and ‘Stone Prisoner’ will be available to people who buy the game used for $7 and $15.

Wardens Keep is available for free for people who purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition.Stone Prisoner will ship with hard copies. Wardens Keep will include “a new dungeon-exploring adventure, new loot including a set of ancient Grey Warden armor, a chance to gain two of six mysterious new abilities, a new base complete with merchants and a party chest to store their hard-earned items.”

Stone Prisoner will ship with hard copies, and will allow players to add Shale, the “mighty” stone golum to their party.

New copies will also ship with ‘Blood Dragon Armor’ which can be used both in Dragon Age: Origins and future Mass Effect 2. It has not been announced whether this will be purchasable by itself.

Along with the free DLC and the Blood Dragon Armor, many retailers are offering bonuses for pre-ordering.

Dragon Age: Origins will be available on November 3rd for PC and Xbox 360, and November 17 for PS3.