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Red Dead Redemption Missions List & 100% Completion Guide

One of the crowning glories of playing Red Dead Redemption is obtaining 100% completion. See this guide of Missions, and other requirements if you’re heading down the long dusty trail to 100% Completion.

–Printable 100% Completion Checklist–

For 100% Completion YOU MUST COMPLETE:

Story Missions

Name Location Reward Tips/Info
Exodus in America New Austin None
New Friends, Old Problems New Austin Safehouse, +150 Fame, +50 honor Prereq: “Exodus in America”
Obstacles in Our Path New Austin +20 Fame

Prereq: “New Friends, Old Problems”
You do NOT need to win to complete this mission

This is Armadillo, USA New Austin Stagecoach Travel, Mini-Game: Poker, Mini-Game: Five-Finger Fillet Prereq: “Obstacles In Our Path”
Women and Cattle New Austin Mini-game: Horseshoes Prereq: “This is Armadillo, USA”
Get behind the cattle and ride forward in the direction you want them to go. Tricky to find the right pace, watch for stragglers (blue icons on mini-map). Won’t be attacked, so take your time
Wild Horses, Tamed Passion New Austin Lasso, Kentucky Saddler horse Prereq: “Women and Cattle”
Hold L2 (PS3) LT (Xbox 360) to aim
R2 (PS3) and RT (Xbox 360) to throw
Keep holding L2/LT once horse is lassoed
A Tempest Looms New Austin Prereq: “Wild Horses, Tamed Passions”
Zig-zag through cattle and in front of them to stop stampede
Political Realities in Armadillo New Austin +$20 Prereq: “Obstacles in our Path”
Justice in Pike’s Basin New Austin Prereq: “Political Realities in Armadillo”
Watch for snipers on opposite side of the basin
Old Swindler Blues New Austin Mini-game: Liar’s Dice Prereq: “Justice in Pike’s Basin”
Spare the Rod, Spoil the Bandit New Austin Winchester Repeater Prereq: “Women and Cattle”, “Old Swindler Blues”
You Shall Not Give False Testimony, Except for Profit New Austin Prereq: “Women and Cattle”, “Old Swindler Blues”
Wait for Nigel at the Doctor before you can take him on his second mission
Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies New Austin Prereq: “Wild Horses, Tamed Passions”, “You Shall Not Give False Testimony, Except for Profit”
Speak with Seth. Bring Moses back to Seth for a pardon letter
A Gentle Drive with Friends New Austin +$10, +75 Fame Prereq: “Exhuming, and Other Fine Hobbies”
Pistol works best
Let the Dead Bury Their Dead New Austin +$10, +150 Fame Prereq: “A Gentle Drive With Friends”
Liars, Cheats and Other Proud Americans New Austin +$3, +200 Fame Prereq: “Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies”
Racing mission
Can a Swindler Change His Spots? New Austin Prereq: “Liars, Cheats and other Proud Americans”
The Sport of Kings, and Liars New Austin Prereq: “Can a Swindler Change His Spots?”
Racing mission
A Frenchman, a Welshman and an Irishman New Austin Double Barrel Shotgun, +50 Fame Prereq: “Liars, Cheats and Other Proud Americans”
Irish is in a barn near the livery in Armadillo
Man is Born Unto Trouble New Austin Springfield Rifle? Prereq: “A French Man, a Welshman and an Irishman”
Take left path at mine shaft fork
On Shaky’s Ground New Austin Prereq: “Man is Born Unto Trouble”
The Burning New Austin Prereq: “A Tempest Looms”, “Spare the Rod, Spoil the Bandit”
Hanging Bonnie MacFarlane New Austin Prereq: “The Burning”
The Assault on Fort Mercer New Austin Prereq: “Hanging Bonnie MacFarlane”, “The Sport of Kings and Liars”, “Let the Dead Bury Their Dead”, “On Shaky’s Ground”
Waves of outlaws
We Shall Be Together in Paradise New Austin Mini-Game: Arm-wrestling, Nuevo Paraiso area, Springfield Rifle? Prereq: “The Assault on Fort Mercer”
Some bandits will throw dynamite
Civilization, At Any Price Mexico Prereq: “We Shall Be Together in Paradise”
The Demon Drink Mexico Fire Bottles Prereq: “Civilization At Any Price”
Empty Promises Mexico Rolling Block Rifle Prereq: “The Demon Drink”
Mexican Caesar Mexico Dynamite Prereq: “Empty Promises”
The Gunslinger’s Tragedy Mexico Schofield Revolver Prereq: “We Shall Be Together in Paradise”
Landon Ricketts Rides Again Mexico Prereq: “The Gunslinger’s Tragedy”
Lucky in Love Mexico Prereq: “Landon Ricketts Rides Again”
The Mexican Wagon Train Mexico Prereq: “Lucky In Love”
My Sister’s Keeper Mexico Prereq: “Cowards Die Many Times”
Must a Savior Die? Mexico Prereq: “My Sister’s Keeper”
Cowards Die Many Times Mexico Prereq: “Mexican Caesar”
The Great Mexican Train Robbery Mexico Throwing Knives Prereq: “Cowards Die Many Times”
Father Abraham Mexico Prereq: “Cowards Die Many Times”
Captain De Santa’s Downfall Mexico Prereq: “Father Abraham”
The Gates of El Presidio Mexico Bolt Action rifle Prereq: “The Great Mexican Train Robbery”, “Captain DeSanta’s Downfall”
An Appointed Time Mexico Mauser Pistol, Evans Repeater, LeMat Revolver, Carcano Rifle, West Elizabeth area Prereq: “The Gates of El Presidio”
Bear One Another’s Burdens West Elizabeth High-Power Pistol Prereq: “An Appointed Time”
Great Men Are Not Always Wise West Elizabeth Prereq: “Bear One Another’s Burdens”
At Home with Dutch West Elizabeth Binoculars Prereq: “Bear One Another’s Burdens”
For Purely Scientific Purposes West Elizabeth Prereq: “At Home with Dutch”
The Prodigal Son Returns (to Yale) West Elizabeth Prereq: “For Purely Scientific Purposes”
And You Will Know the Truth West Elizabeth Prereq: “Great Men Are Not Always Wise”, “The Prodigal Son Returns (To Yale)”
And the Truth Will Set You Free West Elizabeth Pump-action Shotgun Prereq: “And You Will Know the Truth”
The Outlaw’s Return West Elizabeth Prereq: “And the Truth Will Set You Free”
By Sweat and Toil West Elizabeth Prereq: “The Outlaw’s Return”
A Continual Feast West Elizabeth Prereq: “By Sweat and Toil”
Pestilence West Elizabeth Prereq: “The Outlaw’s Return”
Old Friends, New Problems West Elizabeth Prereq: “Pestilence”
John Marston and Son West Elizabeth Prereq: “The Outlaw’s Return”
Wolves, Dogs and Sons West Elizabeth Prereq: “JOhn Marston and Son”
Spare the Love, Spoil the Child West Elizabeth Prereq: “Wolves, Dogs and Sons”
The Last Enemy That Shall be Destroyed West Elizabeth “Remember My Family” Prereq: “Spare the Love, Spoil the Child”, “Old Friends, New Problems”, “A Continual Feast”


Stranger Missions

Name Location Reward Tips/Info
Water and Honesty Between Armadillo and MacFarlane’s Ranch, a camp near the road on a the giant cliff face Pleasance Safehouse “Political Realities in Armadillo” Required.
American Appetites Armadillo, near Sheriff’s building

3 part mission

“Political Realities in Armadillo” Required
“Justice in Pike’s Basin” for Part 2
“Wild Horses, Tamed Passions” for Part 3

Jenny’s Faith East of Ridgewood Farm along road to Armadillo “This is Armadillo, USA” Required
Let No Man Put Asunder Near Coot’s Chapel, Southeast of Armadillo “Obstacles in Our Path” Required
Flowers for a Lady Between MacFarlane Ranch & Thieves’ Landing on the road “New Friends, Old Problems” Required
Wild feverfew (Hennigan’s Stead), Red sage (Rio Bravo), Desert Sage (Gaptooth Ridge)
Who Are You To Judge? Rathskeller Fork “Liars, Cheats and Other Proud Americans” Required, Tip: Be careful not to ride too fast on the way back to Rathskeller Fork
California 1. Gaptooth Ridge
2. Cueva Seca
3. Gaptooth Ridge
Fame/Honor, $24, Treasure Hunter Outfit Scrap

3? Part Mission

Part 1. “Women and Cattle” required
Part 2. 1-2 days game time
Part 3. Tumbleweed?

Poppycock Chuparosa Fame/Honor, $1000 “Civilization, at Any Price” Required
Eva in Peril Casa Madrugada Fame/Honor, $200 “Lucky in Love” Required
Funny Man 1. Benedict Point
2. Gaptooth Breach
3. Pike’s Basin
4. Tesoro Azul

4 Part Mission

1. “Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies” Required
2. “Man is Born Unto Trouble” mission
3. “Man is Born Unto Trouble” mission
4. “Empty Promises” mission

Love is the Opiate El Matadero +50 Fame, +100 Honor “Empty Promises” Required and Stranger Mission “Poppycock”
Lights, Camera, Action

1. Cinema in Armadillo
2. Benedict Point

2 Part Mission

1. “The Sport of Kings and Liars” Required
2. “An Appointed Time” Required

I Know You Southern branch of the road from MacFarlane Ranch to Armadillo, near the edge of the cliff

Cannot be completed once the game is beaten
Does not count toward 100% completion
3 Part Quest
“We Shall Be Together in Paradise” must be completed before Part 2
“An Appointed Time” must be completed before Part 3

Daedalus and Son East of Agave Viejo near the road “We Shall Be Together in Paradise” Required
Aztec Gold Sidewinder Gulch “Must a Savior Die?” Required, look for pile of rocks near edge of the cliff. Look inside the hut for pile of rocks and second piece of map. Look at base of tall rock formation W of Matedero for pile of rocks, third piece of map. Go to Matadero and give Basilio the map, follow him to treasure
The Wronged Woman Blackwater Church +50 Fame “An Appointed Time” Required (after 6:00 pm game time)
American Lobbyist Blackwater Money “An Appointed Time” Required
The Prohibitionist Blackwater Saloon “An Appointed Time” and “The Wronged Woman”
Remember My Family Blackwater “The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed” Required
Can only be completed AFTER beating the last story mission. Talk to a Federal Agent in Blackwater on train station platform

Outlaws to the End

Name Location Reward Tips/Info
Walton’s Gold
The River
Ammunition Tesoro Azul
Kidnapped Girl

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