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Final Fantasy XIII Sells 1 Million On First Day (In Japan)

It’s not a little known fact that Japan loves their Final Fantasy. The latest game in the epic series, however has sold 1 million copies in its first day of sales in the little island across the sea. These numbers don’t include the PS3 “Lightning Bundle” available, which are also expected to have sold substantial numbers.

Square Enix shipped two million copies of the game, but there is not expected to be any shortages. In comparison, New Super Mario Bros. for Wii sold 900,000 units in its first WEEK.

Final Fantasy XIII will be available March 9, 2010 in North America (and Europe, Australia) and will be the first in the series to be released on Xbox 360 as well as the Playstation.

If you need a little Final Fantasy XIII fix to get you through the day, check out the HyTek Gallery for some FFXIII screenshots.