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Tag Archives: Google

Google Android’s Next Stop – Your Living Room

Google’s Android operating system is spreading rapidly in the mobile phone world, and apparently is ready to make the jump into your television. Literally. It has been revealed that Google is working with Sony, Intel, and Logitech on creating a new Bravia TV with an

Android Market Sees Extreme App Growth in March

“There’s an app for that” is becoming more and more true for the Android Market as it’s seen growth by 9,300 apps in March alone. The Android Market hit the 20,000 apps milestone at the beginning of 2010, doubling its growth in three months since

Google Becomes Topeka on April 1st

Google is up to its normal April Fool’s Day hijinks, first of all renaming the website in honor of Google, Kansas, aka Topeka. Early last month Topeka, Kansas announced they would be changing the town’s name to Google as part of the competition to become

Samsung OLED Laptop with 14 Inch Transparent Display

Samsung uneviled a laptop at CES 2010 with a 14 inch transparent OLED display; while fascinating to look at, a transparent display serves no useful purpose in a laptop today.  Outside of the laptop world transparent displays could make their way into a number of

Motorola Cliq Review

The Motorola Cliq is one of the latest in the ever-growing Android family; a T-Mobile exclusive. I’m here to tell you my Motorola Cliq experience. Some geek specs Processor Qualcomm MSM7201A Processor Clock Speed 528 MHz RAM 256 MB Flash ROM 512 MB User Storage

Google Nexus One Android Phone

The Google Nexus One is the first Google branded (HTC manufactured) phone. This unlocked “iPhone Killer” is currently available for purchase through Google for $529, or through T-Mobile for $179 with new 2-year contracts. It is expected to be available for the Verizon network (CDMA

HTC Incredible Android Phone [Update]

The HTC Droid Incredible is one of the latest super-Android cell phones coming to the market. It’s expected to make a quiet debut the end of April, and little was known about it since it didn’t make an appearance at this years CTIA. The HTC