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Tag Archives: world

Call of Duty Black Ops Announced

Call of Duty: Black Ops was officially announced today by Treyarch, the studio responsible for Call of Duty: World at War. The latest game in the Call of Duty series will be released in November of 2010, but little is known about the setting or

MMA Fighter Plays MW2 to Heal

WEC mixed martial arts fighter Jamie Varner suffered a major injury a year ago when he broke a metacarpal bone in his hand. In order to rebuild strength, the doctor had only one prescription for him: more video games. Constant movement of the hands and

Happy Holiday Gaming Deals

In the true spirit of Christmas many of our favorite gaming haunts are offering stupendous deals! If you’re in the Midwest area like we are you might need a cheap game to keep you occupied while this massive snowstorm keeps you indoors. Steam Weekly and

World of Warcraft Celebrates Thanksgiving for the First Time

World of Warcraft will be celebrating Thanksgiving next week for the first time, calling the event, Pilgrim’s Bounty. Players can partake in the festivities by sitting at a Bountiful Table, and eating, which can gain characters bonuses. Players can also collect recipes for their own

Call of Duty: World at War Zombies Swarm iPhone

Call of Duty may have taken over the video game world, but now its zombies are taking over the iPhone. Call of Duty: World at War ZOMBIES is now available on iTunes for $9.99. The app for iPhone and iPod Touch features the original zombie

Blizzard Opens Pet Store for World of Warcraft

Blizzard’s newest edition to its online shop is a Pet Store for World of Warcraft. It will feature two new pets at its Grand Opening, including the Pandaren Monk and the Lil’ K.T. Half the proceeds from the purchase of the Pandaren Monk, will be

WoW Character Race Changer Now Available

Blizzard launched a new service yesterday that allows World of Warcraft players to change the race of their characters. The change will cost $25, and can only be done on an inter-faction basis. Horde has to stay Horde and Alliance has to stay Alliance. These

Order of War Gets One Month Anniversary Free DLC

Square Enix’s Order of War will be getting free DLC on today the day of its one month anniversary. The World War II strategy game will be getting all of the exlusive pre-order items including: Heavy Bomber Squadrons – Addition of German Arado and Allied