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European Union Says Video Games Good for Children

A report by the European Union goes against the crowd in its recent report and states that video games can actually be good for children. The European Parliament Committee found a number of benefits and no link to definitive violent behavior in its study. The study stated that video games can stimulate the learning of facts and skills, cooperation, strategic reflection and even a sense of innovation. A statistic that the average video game player in Europe was 33, further challenged the notion that all games were geared towards children.

Avoiding a call for a ban on certain video games, the report urged cooperation in strengthening the PEGI (Pan European Game Information) rating system in Europe. The PEGI is currently a voluntary system that rates games according to age and content. Age groups are 3+, 7+, 12+, 16+, 18+ and descriptors for bad language, discrimination, drugs, fear, gambling, sex violence and online gameplay.

It was also noted that not all video games were appropriate for children and acknowledged that in certain circumstances, violent games could stimulate some violent behavior.

Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their childs video game usage. They are encouraged to monitor content and the length of time their children play video games.