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Grand Theft Auto Coming to App Store, Approval Pending

Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars could be racing to your iPhone, or screeching to a halt. Rockstar Games and Take-Two Interactive announced plans to bring the game to the iPhone and iPod touch.

Founder of Rockstar Games, Sam Houser stated “Chinatown Wars is a perfect match for the iPhone and iPod touch.””We are very excited to bring this incredibly ambitious version of Liberty City, with this level of detail and immersive game play, on Apple’s new gaming platforms.”

Those familiar with the App store process know that all proposed apps must make it through a rigorous screening process. Those familiar with the GTA series are worried it won’t make it through this process.

Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars follows Huang Lee, son of a murdered Triad leader. Players navigate familiar Liberty City to reveal what happened to Huangs father. The game has been well received so far, taking the number 1 spot on GameRankings for Nintendo DS games, and an average review score of 93.14%; the violence and “other” content typically associated with GTA games, might be a turn off for Apple reviewers. They have been well-known for their rejection of apps due to their content, including the removal of a “Hot Girls” app, and the rejection of Eucalpytus (which taps into the Gutenberg project to offer free digital content) because of its link to the Kama Sutra.

Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars will be available on the PSP on 10/5/09 and is the thirteenth game in the GTA series. It is already available for Nintendo DS.